The X option is always followed by additional character(s). The second character determines what type of pipe is opened.
Programmable replacement of a character. A single character is looked for in data written to the pipe and replaced by a multicharacter string.
First write two bytes to the pipe. the first byte is always '1' the second byte is the target character to be replaced. Then write a byte giving the length of the
replacement string (<=255) followed by the replacement string. Do NOT include a terminating null .
Data written to the pipe after this point is echoed back to the pipe with any occurrences of the target character replaced by the specified string.
X0wfilename causes the data to be echoed to a file rather than back to the pipe.
X0rfilename causes the data to be read from a file rather than from the pipe. Note that the target character and replacement string is still read from the pipe not the
external file. Only data to be parsed and replaced is read from the file.
The icon file for the specified file (you do NOT add '.icon') is read. The pipe returns the following lines...
icon_type x y stack
default tool
tool window
first tooltype
second tooltype
If no icon file is found no data is returned. Note that for blank lines will be returned when the information does not apply to that icon type.
To get information on a volume (say dh1:) use 'awnpipe:/xidh1:disk'.
Pattern match Conversation. This conversation supports full ADOS pattern matching. The trailing 'c' will make the match case sensitive.
Xmwfilename causes the match result to be sent to a file rather than back to the pipe.
Xmrfilename causes the data to be read from a file rather than from the pipe. The match results are read back from the pipe.
NOTE: the replies are ascii terminated with a newline.
Write the pattern to the pipe terminated with a newline. (<500 chars) The pipe returns 'ok 1' when you sent a valid pattern to match to. It returns 'ok 0' if you dis not send a pattern ( the pipe will look only
for exact matches).
write a string to the pipe terminated with a newline.(<500 chars) read the reply '0' (no match) '1' (is a match)
write as many stings as you like . Close pipe to end. The terminating newlines are ignored while matching.
ClassAct Window Conversation. The Window and gadgets are defined by writing to the pipe:. Gadget hits and error/confirmation information is read from the pipe. A filename may also be given. If the file is specified as write 'w' the output of the pipe is directed to that file. If the file is specified as read 'r' the window and gadget definitions are read from the file.